Newly Painted ExteriorBeautiful Freshly Painted Building - Jan 2025

Storage Building Challenge

Storage Building Challenge is here!! We need a place to store donations, etc. until we can process them. A small building is our goal. The Challenge is on! We've had several people and companies already Step-Up and donate to this needed cause! We're hoping to raise enough donation funds to provide plenty of storage. Here's a sample picture of a small one.

Depending on how much we can raise will determine the size of our building.

The big  reason we need the building is for more space to process the primary reason is that we are having to currently store donations overflow in the areas that are dedicated to active service of our clients. We are being hampered in our ability to fully and effectively serve our clients/communities. 

To give a clearer picture the building is divided functionally into 3 parts:

  • 1/3 the thrift store 
  • 1/3 donation reception/storage/processing 
  • 1/3 Resource Center operations/client-programs & services 

Because we have been blessed by the continuous generosity of our communities by their donations we are having to store the overflow in the last 1/3 which is only about 30% functional right now. The additional storage building will allow us to get that to 100% and thus we will be able to more effectively serve our communities 

Storage Building Challenge - Donate Here
Just Click the picture below

Zeffy Storage Building Challenge 3-3-25