Rock Solid Resource Center Thrift Store in New Boston TX desires to meet the practical needs of our communities in such a way that the love of Christ is made real.
Rock Solid Resource Center Thrift Store has moved back to New Boston, TX!!!
201 E Main Street, New Boston, TX
We so missed everyone and even more happy being back in our own building.
Waste Management hosts an Annual Awards Banquet for the recipients of their Grants to local non-profit organizations. Rock Solid Resource Center received a Grant presented by Misty Adams of Waste Management.
We are in desperate need of storage!!
We have a Storage Building Challenge started - Hope you can help us!
Our 2025 Spring Fest is coming
Spring Fest Details HERE
We are grateful that we once again received a grant from the Arkansas Community Foundation. The funds received will go towards purchasing food items for our M-25 Community Pantry which will allow us to serve even more people. Thank You Arkansas Community Foundation for: “Helping Us Help Our Communities”
We are a broad-based organization meaning that we will not focus on one aspect of need or societal marginalization, but on those which our communities deem as needful to be addressed. RSRC (Rock Solid Resource Center) seeks not to perpetuate an emphasis on handouts but an emphasis on assisting, encouraging and empowering those who are striving to overcome obstacles (whether temporary or long standing) and move forward in positive and productive ways. In other words, to provide a hand up, not a handout.
Our new building has allowed us to have individual rooms dedicated to categories of merchandise - so much nicer and easier for us to organize and shoppers to see what we have!
RSRC strives to do our part so that the Body of Christ can function more effectively in our communities and seek to achieve that by:
RSRC desires to be used by God as a central clearinghouse through which and to which entities/groups/organizations and churches from denominations across the spectrum (but who believe in and proclaim the name of Jesus) can flow and be the hands and feet of Jesus in a way that glorifies Him.
The Primary means by which this will be achieved financially is through Thrift stores, partnerships (w/churches, groups, businesses and individuals) and grants.
See some wonderful moments in pictures HERE
We are a community nonprofit
We are a resource center - we help to meet needs such as: Food/Clothing/Bill Assistance/Financial Counseling/Transitional Assistance/Parenting or Whatever other Resource may be sought - Either doing so ourselves or as we refer to other agencies.
We are a cooperative of the whole community helping anyone who is in need and being helped by those who are willing.
We provide for the needs that arise through our:
Thrift Store (Rock Solid Thrift)
Partnerships with Individuals, Businesses & Organizations, Churches, etc.
Grant Writing
Rock Solid Thrift Gladly Receives Donations
Help us Help Our Community ~ We'd Love to have you come Volunteer